Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Twilight Saga Series

How could I have a book blog without mentioning the newest cult phenomenon? I couldn't. The Twilight Saga Series of books by Stephanie Meyer has fans of all ages going crazy over vampires. What started out as a young adult novel of teen angst and vampires quickly became a sensation with no age barriers. The four books in the series, Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn are the hottest craze at the moment. It doesn't hurt that the movie hits theaters tomorrow (11/21/08) and it stars heart-throb young actors in the lead roles.

The story is a somewhat familiar tale. Girl likes boy; boy likes girl; boy comes out as being a vampire; girl loves boy even more; romance scene; battle scene; happily ever after. That's the Cliff's Notes version of the over 2000 page series.

What is it with vampires? Since the mid-eighteenth century, when a vampire made his first appearance in a poem, people have been fascinated with tales of these blood-sucking night flyers. The tales began in what was considered a vampire "craze" in the mid 1700s. Bodies were exhumed because they were suspected vampires. But even in that first German poem, the vampire was portrayed as seductive to the young maidens.

Throughout the ages people have been accused of drinking blood and rising from the dead. This has kept the legends alive. What used to be found in the horror sections of bookstores, is now spread throughout the stores in fiction, graphic novels, young adult and even the children's sections. Television and movies also have huge lists of vampire titles.

When I was in high school, we were all reading the Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice. Lured by Lestat and Louis - our vampiric erotica. Now this next generation has the Twilight Saga in which you fall in love with the "vegetarian" vampire Edward and the werewolf Jake.

These books are well thought out and well written. Stephanie Meyer has certainly created a fan base that is only going to want more and more. By the forth book, Breaking Dawn, I was ready to let go of Edward, Bella, and Jake. I'm sure many may disagree with me. But there are lots of other vampires out there with their own stories that may want to be told.

All in all this is a good series. If you have teens who are into science fiction or fantasy, these books are perfect. There are tons of "extras" now that the movie is opening so the series really isn't only these four novels. There are the movie tie-in books and the behind the scenes books and posters and everything. Perfect timing with the Holiday season upon us. Thank you Stephanie Meyer for creating the new and improved vegetarian vampires.

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